An-aortic no touch guidelines
See paper below for full guidelines
Sousa Uva 2018 2018 ESCEACTS Guidelines on myo
Continue reading 2018 European guidelines on revascularistion
An-aortic no touch guidelines
See paper below for full guidelines
Sousa Uva 2018 2018 ESCEACTS Guidelines on myo
Continue reading 2018 European guidelines on revascularistion
At just 44, Joanna was told there was a 90 per cent blockage in one of the arteries in her heart. she was ideal for a keyhole coronary bypass operation using the new da Vinci Xi robot. “It allows us to do safe, minimally invasive open-heart surgery through smaller cuts, so you get back to normal function faster,”
Unlike traditional coronary bypass surgery, where patients must be hooked up to a heart-lung machine, this operation is done while the heart is still beating “We do this because it reduces the incidence of stroke. The chance of having a stroke in our hands is a fraction of one per cent.”
Mr Love had a dangerous abnormality- a hole in his heart that he’d had since birth.
His upper lung was also pumping into the wrong atrium of his heart – the right side instead of the left.
“So the blood needlessly circulates around the lung and doesn’t get out into the rest of his body,” his cardiothoracic surgeon Professor Michael Wilson explained. View story here.
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More Australian surgeons will be trained to use robots at the operating table, with the opening of the country’s first robotic surgery training facility at Sydney’s Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 18/04/2017
Reporter: Antoinette Lattouf
Surgeons may boycott a highly successful heart valve procedure unless the Federal Government makes it compulsory to use the combined skills of a cardiologist and a surgeon.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcast: 11/04/2017
Reporter: Matt Peacock